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*For a full list of my published research, check out my Google Scholar page.*

Duncan AR, Bell SE, and Hellman CM. Brief Hope-Building Intervention for Currently and Previously Homeless Adults: Effect of Participation on Dispositional Hope, Satisfaction with Life, and Perceived Standing in Society. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness. 2022.

Moore L, Gerald M, Skaftason H, and Duncan AR. In children with microalbuminuria, are ACEs/ARBs a beneficial therapy? Evidence-Based Practice. 2022. doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000001590

Duncan AR, Bell SE, and Hellman CM. Intersections of Perceived Stress, Burnout, Dispositional Hope, Intellectual Humility, Locus of Control, and Lifestyle Factors in Undergraduate Medical Education. Current Psychology. 2022;1-11.

Duncan AR, Bell SE, Salvatore AL, and Hellman CM. Psychosocial Factors Associated with Perceived Future Standing in Society and Goal Attainment in a Homeless Adult Population. Journal of Community Psychology. 2022. doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000001590

Duncan AR, Daugherty G, and Carmichael G. An Emerging Preventive Mental Health Care Strategy: The Neurobiological and Functional Basis of Positive Psychological Traits. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021;12:728797. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.728797

Wetherill M, Duncan AR, Bowman H, Collins R, Santa-Pinter N, Jackson M, Lynn CM, Prentice K, and Isaacson M. Promoting Nutrition Equity for Individuals with Physical Challenges: A Systematic Review of Barriers and Facilitators to Healthy Eating. Preventive Medicine. 2021;153:106723. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106723

Lesselroth B, Park H, Monkman H, Duncan AR, Thompson G, and R Yarnall. Designing Shift Handoff Software: Clinical Learners and Design Students Collaborate Using the "Design Thinking" Process. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2021;281:974-978.

Duncan AR, Bulard B, Baker H, Duvall A, and Rodriguez K. Medical Trainees’ Performance on and Personal Experiences with Virtual Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. 2021;114(5):198-203.

Chou AF, Duncan AR, Hallford G, Kelley DM, and Dean LW. Barriers and strategies to integrate medical genetics and primary care in underserved populations: a scoping review. Journal of Community Genetics. 2021;12(3), 291–309.

Duncan AR, Jaini PA, and Hellman CM. Positive Psychology and Hope as Lifestyle Medicine Modalities in the Therapeutic Encounter: A Narrative Review. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2020;15(1):6-13. doi:10.1177/1559827620908255.

Wetherill MS, Mushtaq N, McIntosh H, Kezbers K, Touchet B, Dunn K, Duncan AR, McCain M, and Gordon JS. Associations between burnout and stress-related coping behaviors among medical students, residents, staff, and faculty: Implications for medical school wellness initiatives. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. 2019;112(9):340-348.

Duncan AR and Hellman CM. The Potential Protective Effect of Hope on Students' Experience of Perceived Stress and Burnout During Medical School. The Permanente Journal. 2020;24:19.240. doi: 10.7812/tpp/19.240.

Kelley WE, Bradley K, Duncan AR, and Smith J. Blood Donor Screening for West Nile Virus in Oklahoma and Its Contribution to Disease Surveillance, 2003-2013. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. 2015;108(8):351-356.

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